Codes & Datasets

Chiwoo Park owns all copyrights to the computer codes shared below. For academic and non-commercial purposes, you can use them freely with the acknowledge of the source (journal paper and this website). Commercial uses of the codes require the written permissions of Chiwoo Park.

Active Learning of Piecewise Gaussian Process Surrogates

Park, C., Waelder, R., Kang, B., Maruyama, B., Hong, S. & Gramacy, R.B. (2024) Active Learning of Piecewise Gaussian Process Surrogates. Submitted.

Code, Paper

Copyright ©2024 reserved to Chiwoo Park ( 

GP Surrogates for Piecewise Continuous Responses of Physical or Computer Experiments 

Park, C. (2022) Jump Gaussian Process Model for Estimating Piecewise   Continuous Regression Functions. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 23(178),1-37.

Code, Paper

Copyright ©2022 reserved to Chiwoo Park ( 

Variable Selection for Gaussian Process Surrogates

Chiwoo Park, David J. Borth, Nicholas S. Wilson & Chad N. Hunter (2022) Variable selection for Gaussian process regression through a sparse projection. IISE Transactions, 54:7, 699-712, DOI: 10.1080/24725854.2021.1959965

Code, Paper

Copyright ©2022 reserved to Chiwoo Park (

Image/Video Analysis Toolkits for Material Imaging

Data Science for Nano Image Analysis, 2021, Springer Nature. 

Codes and Datasets

Copyright ©2021 reserved to Chiwoo Park ( 

Motion Analysis Toolkits for Operations Research

Operations Research (In Press)

Code, Dataset

Copyright ©2021 reserved to Chiwoo Park ( 

Patchwork Kriging for Largescale GP

Version 3: Journal of Machine Learning Research 19(7): 1-43 

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2019 reserved to Chiwoo Park (

Version 2: Journal of Machine Learning Research 17(174):1-29 

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2018 reserved to Chiwoo Park (

Version 1: Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, 1697-1728 

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2013 reserved to Chiwoo Park ( 

Mixture Model for Linear-Circular Regression

Statistical Modelling 21 (3): 220-243

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2021 reserved to Chiwoo Park (

Robust Regression for Background Subtraction

Pattern Recognition 81: 224-239 

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2019 reserved to Chiwoo Park (

Segmentation and Inference of Overlapping Convex Shapes

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(3), 669-681 

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2013 reserved to Chiwoo Park (

Estimating Multiple Pathways of Object Growth with Image Data

Technometrics, 56(2), 186-199 

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2014 reserved to Chiwoo Park (

Minimum Volume Set Approach for Anomaly Detection

Operations Research, 58(5), 1469-1480 

Code and Dataset

Copyright ©2010 reserved to Chiwoo Park (